Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM

KIRKHS 1010 Starter Kit

KIRKHS 1010 Starter Kit

Assalamualaikum to all KIRKHS new intake students,

Did you know: What does your program has to offer? Who is the head of your department? What are the career prospect of your study? Or who is the organizing society of your respective department?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

IRKHSSS brought to you KIRKHS 1010 Starter Kit (https://bit.ly/KIRKHS1010StarterKit) to assist you in understanding the Kuliyyah and your department better. We hope that by providing this starter kit to all of you, you will feel a sense of pride and honour in being a part of the KIRKHS family. As a corollary, with this integration as a feather in our cap, let us strive for even more wonderful days in the future.

“The students of this blessed kulliyyah of IRKHS have the sacred responsibility to spread the message of the one and only God to the whole of humanity, to continue the sublime mission of Rahmatan Li’l ‘Aalamiin” – Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Mohd. Kamal Hassan

Regards, Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences Students’ Society (IRKHSSS) 2020/2021

#LiTaarafu #IRKHSSS2021 #HolisticKulliyyah #IntegrationTowardsPerfection